Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lesson 12: (Vocabulary)

                                                                                                                       Copyright 2014

Lesson 12: (Vocabulary)

    Many languages have borrowed words.  For example, English speakers refer to the Japanese food 'sushi' as sushi.  English speakers refer to the Japanese bedding 'futon' as futon.  There is a slight mispronunciation to the words sushi and futon by English speakers, but the pronunciations of both words are still rather close.

    The Japanese people did the same.
    In Japan, 'cake' is pronounced as keeki (ke-e-ki), where the  'ke' and the 'e' are slurred together.

                    I                ate           the cake.
                  Subj          Verb           Object

              Watashi wa   keeki o  tabemashita.
                Subj             Obj           Verb


taberu - to eat             miru - to watch/see          ageru - to give (as a gift)
terebi - television      keeki - cake                      orenji - orange        rajio - radio          kamera - camera

1.)   I                                       watched                         the television.
2.) You                                      ate                               the cake.
3.) She                                    gave                               an orange.
4.) We                                    will see                          a radio.
5.)  They(females only)         gave                               a camera.

1.)  Watashi wa                  terebi o                      mimashita.
2.)  Anata wa                      keeki o                      tabemashita.
3.)  Kanojo wa                   orenji o                      agemashita.
4.)  Watashitachi wa          rajio o                        mimasu.
5.)  Kanojotachi wa           kamera o                    agemashita. 

Note:  If you enjoyed this lesson, then please download the 'ultimate' paid version of the
             GooglePlay app.

             (Note:  You must place the title in quotation marks "Speak Japanese In  English" in GooglePlay's searchbox)

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