Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lesson 10: (Class II: Present/Future & Past Tenses)

Lesson 10:  (Class II:  Present/Future & Past Tenses)
Refer to the Japanese Alphabet Chart below as we continue.
Japanese Alphabet Chart:        
                                                                      a     i     u    e   o                   a     i    u     e     o       
                                                                     ka   ki   ku  ke ko                 ga  gi  gu   ge    go
                                                                     sa  shi  su  se  so                za   ji   zu    ze   zo
                                                                     ta  tchi tsu  te  to                 da  dji dzu  de  do
                                                                     na  ni   nu  ne  no
                                                                     ha  hi   fu   he  ho                 pa  pi   pu   pe  po
                                                                                                                    ba  bi   bu   be  bo
                                                                     ma mi  mu me mo
                                                                     ya         yu       yo
                                                                     ra   ri    ru   re  ro
                                                                    wa                    wo
To change a Class II Verb from the Dictionary Form  to the (Polite) Present/Future Tense you:
  1.  Drop the final -ru   
  2.  Add +masu
      Dictionary                                      Change1           Change2              Present/Future Example-    taberu (to eat)    becomes    tabe - ru    à   tabe + masu   becomes   tabemasu (eat)
                                   I            eat              cake.
                                Subj      Verb          Object
                                  I wa        cake o        tabemasu.
                            Subj           Obj                      Verb
                To change a Class II Verb from the Dictionary Form to the (Polite) Past Tense you:
  1.  Find the Present/Future Tense  (see the previous example)
  2. Change –masu to +mashita.
                    Dictionary                                Present/Future                        Change2                                Past
     taberu (to eat)  becomes   tabemasu (eat)   tabe -masu à tabe +mashita   tabemashita (ate)
                                   I            ate         the cake.
                                Subj      Verb          Object
                                  I wa        cake o        tabemashita.
                            Subj           Obj                      Verb
taberu- to eat                    miru- to watch/see                         ageru- to give (as a gift)
  1.   I                            watch                    television.
  2.   I                            watched               the television.
  3. He                          will eat                  cake.
  4. He                          ate                         the cake.
  5. He                          gives                      oranges.                             
  6. He                          gave                      an orange.
  7. We                         will see                 a radio.
  8. We                         saw                        a radio.
  9. They                      give                        cameras.
  10. They                      gave                      a camera.
  1. I wa                        television o         mimasu.
  2.  I wa                       television o         mimashita.
  3. He wa                   cake o                   tabemasu.
  4. He wa                   cake o                   tabemashita.
  5. He wa                   orange o              agemasu.
  6. He wa                   orange o              agemashita.
  7. We wa                  radio o                  mimasu.
  8. We wa                  radio o                  mimashita.
  9. They wa               camera o             agemasu.
  10. They wa               camera o             agemashita.

Note:  If you liked this lesson, then please download the "ultimate" GooglePlay paid
             version app today!

             (Note:  You must place the title in quotation marks "Speak Japanese In English" in                   GooglePlay's searchbox)



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